
Secrets of MLS

This class will show you all of the things you never learned and never knew about.
New MLS features, including templates, looking at stats of how many people have seen your listings,
setting up buyer and seller portals and many other hidden great features.
Then get into the IDX feeds where you can give your client access to the same look and feel as you have in MLS.

Click Here to Download Syllabus

Event Properties

Event Date 05-19-2015 1:00 pm
Event End Date 05-19-2015 4:00 pm
Cut off date 05-19-2015
Capacity 35
Individual Price $20.00
Location Equity Title - 13847 North Northsight Blvd. Scottsdale, AZ 85260

Sorry, the event is now full and we could not accept more registration